
goals do
  goal "create a page that should display a list of jobs"

  goal "Play follow-the-error to guide our development"
  goal "Add routes, a controller, and a view to make a page"
  goal "Learn how to read the routing info at <http://localhost:3000/rails/info>"

steps do
  step "access /jobs" do

  message <<-MARKDOWN
  Let's add a page to list the open jobs at RailsBridgeCorp!

  This list should have the following URL - let's see if its already there?  <http://localhost:3000/jobs>.

error_box "No route matches [GET] '/jobs'"

message <<-MARKDOWN
  That's pretty reasonable, since we currently don't have any routes at all right now.


  step "add a route" do

  message <<-MARKDOWN

    So it's looking for a route, but can't find one. Let's add one!

    Open up the routes file. It's in the config directory, called `routes.rb`. If you're using VS Code, you can open it using keyboard shortcuts:

    * Hitting cmd + p (on Mac) or ctl + p (on PC)
    * typing in `route`
    * hitting enter

    Magic! (VS Code is using fuzzy search, so you can use the entire file path, or just part of the filename to go to files.)

  source_code_with_message "We're going to need a resource route, which will create EIGHT different routes for us. Add this to line two:", :ruby, "resources :jobs"

  message <<-MARKDOWN
    Now, lets go look at what that made, by using the excellently helpful routes page: <http://localhost:3000/rails/info>.

  discussion_box "How to read the routes page.", <<-MARKDOWN
    In your browser, visit <http://localhost:3000/rails/info>. Go over each of the columns and how to read it.

    * Helper
    * HTTP Verb
    * Path
    * Controller#Action

    Can you find the line that will make `/jobs` a route?

  message <<-MARKDOWN
    Since adding the line `resources :jobs` made a route matching `/jobs`, let's go visit that page again: <http://localhost:3000/jobs>

  error_box "uninitialized constant JobsController"


step "create a controller" do
  message <<-MARKDOWN
    Why does Rails now think it needs a JobsController?

    # Add a controller

    Time for a shortcut!!! Unlike the scaffold that we make in Suggestotron that makes about a million different files, we're just going to use a Rails generator to make the files we need.

  console "rails generate controller jobs"

  discussion_box "What did that command do?", <<-MARKDOWN
    What files were made by that last command?

    How will this change what error we see when we go to the jobs page?

    message "Now: refresh <http://localhost:3000/jobs>"

    error_box "The action 'index' could not be found for JobsController"


  step "set up an action" do

    message <<-MARKDOWN
      Let's go back to <http://localhost:3000/rails/info> again and look at what controller and method (AKA action) the route /jobs is pointing to.

      It's looking for a method called index on the jobs controller! Since there isn't a controller method for this route, we'll need to add it.

      Open up your jobs controller (again, try to use keyboard shortcuts: cmd+p on Mac or ctl+p on PC to find the file at app/controllers/jobs_controller.rb).

    source_code_with_message "Add the index method to the controller:", :ruby,
    class JobsController < ApplicationController
      def index

    message "And refresh <http://localhost:3000/jobs>"

    error_box "JobsController#index is missing a template for request formats: text/html."


step "create a view" do

message <<-MARKDOWN
  What's a template? How does Rails decide to look for the template associated with JobsController's `index` action?

  Talk through what Rails is trying, and failing, to do, and how file names and method names are important here.

  # Add a view

  Within `app/views/jobs`, create a file called `index.html.erb`

source_code_with_message "add some html code to it", :erb,
<p>coming soon</p>

    message "Now refresh <http://localhost:3000/jobs>"

  message "Now there should be no more errors"


message <<-MARKDOWN
  Congratulations, your are done!

  If you want, you can add some more HTML content to your first view.

next_step "store_jobs_in_the_database"