Make A Jobs Home Page
Step 1: access /jobs
Error! Woo!!!
No route matches [GET] '/jobs'
Step 2: add a route
resources :jobs
Discussion: How to read the routes page.
Error! Woo!!!
uninitialized constant JobsController
Step 3: create a controller
Type this in the shell:rails generate controller jobsDiscussion: What did that command do?
Error! Woo!!!
The action 'index' could not be found for JobsController
Step 4: set up an action
class JobsController < ApplicationController def index end endError! Woo!!!
JobsController#index is missing a template for request formats: text/html.
Step 5: create a view
<h1>Jobs</h1> <p>coming soon</p>
Now would be a good time to commit to git
Next Step:
Go on to Store Jobs In The Database