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step "Have a volunteer check your tool versions" do

  message "Find a volunteer and have them watch the next steps."

  verify "tool installation" do

    tip "Most of the time, the version numbers don't have to match exactly. In general, if the *first two* numbers match, or if the full number you have is *greater* than the one below, then you're cool."

    h3 "If you're on OSX or Linux:"

    console "rvm -v"
    fuzzy_result "rvm 1{FUZZY}.x.x by Wayne E. Seguin (wayneeseguin@gmail.com) [https://rvm.io/]{/FUZZY}"

    h3 "On all operating systems:"

    console "ruby -v"
    fuzzy_result "ruby 2.3{FUZZY}.3p222 (2015-12-16 revision 53155) [x86_64-darwin13]{/FUZZY}"

    tip "As long as your Ruby version is #{version_string(:ruby_short)} or above, you're good to go."

    console "bundle -v"
    fuzzy_result "Bundler version 1{FUZZY}.x.x{/FUZZY}"

    console "rails -v"
    fuzzy_result "Rails 5.0{FUZZY}.x{/FUZZY}"

    tip 'The RailsBridge curriculum is written for Rails 5, so if you still have Rails 4.x or earlier, you need to install Rails 5 with `gem install rails`.'

step "Show your Heroku app to a volunteer" do
  message "Visit the heroku site you made on the previous page and create a new drink."

step "Congratulations!" do
  message "You get a sticker! (Or a high-five if there aren't any stickers)."

next_step "clean_up"