Other Pages


goals {
  goal "Create a model for votes"

  div(style: 'margin: 0 auto; width: 250px; height: 120px;') do
    model_diagram header: 'Topics', fields: %w(id title description), style: "float: left;"
    div(style: 'float: left; position: relative; width: 60px; height: 100px;') do
      div(class: 'arrow-left', style: 'left: 0;  top: 30px;')
      div(class: 'horiz-line', style: 'left: 5px;  top: 37px; width: 25px;')
      div(class: 'vert-line', style: 'left: 30px; top: 38px; height: 25px;')
      div(class: 'horiz-line', style: 'right: 0; top: 62px; width: 30px;')
    model_diagram header: 'Votes', fields: %w(id topic_id), style: "float: left;"

  message <<-MARKDOWN
    Every topic in suggestotron can be voted on.
    In order to count votes, we need to record votes in the database.
    We'll add the new table for votes now.
    It contains a refrence to the topic.

steps {
  console <<-SHELL
rails generate model vote topic:references
rails db:migrate

explanation {
  message <<-MARKDOWN
  * Just like before, we're creating a new model named "vote"
  * `votes` contains just one thing: a reference to the topic it belongs to
  * We didn't generate a full scaffold this time because we aren't
    going to do the full CRUD for votes; they're just going to be
    considered part of topics as-is.

next_step "hooking_up_votes_and_topics"