message <<-MARKDOWN
### Goal
To teach you Ruby on Rails we are going to use a "Real World"
example. You've decided to create a voting system for you and your
friends to play with. You've decided at a minimum, you'd like to
allow users to:
* view the topics
* vote on topics
* create, edit, and destroy topics
You've sketched up an initial screenshot of what you want it to look like:
![Browser window with topic titles that can be voted on](img/topic_list_as_list.png)
### Meta-Goal
When you have completed today's goal of getting the basic
application online you should understand:
* Basic Ruby syntax
* How to try your Ruby code (IRB)
* How to go from requirements to a new working Rails application
* How to get work with your application online at replit
* The basic tools a RoR (Ruby on Rails) developer uses (editor, rails console)
### Schedule
* 1-ish hour of Ruby
* 4-ish hours of Rails, broken up in 1-ish hour steps
This is just a rough guideline, not a mandate. Some steps you'll go
over and some you'll go under. It'll all work out by the end of the
day. Probably.
### Requirements
We're going to be working with:
* Ruby 3.0.3 or greater
* Rails 7.0.1 (the last two numbers are not important)
* Bundler
* SQLite
Everything should be set up the night before during our
install-fest. Please ensure you have everything working _before_ you
show up for RailsBridge on Saturday.
Go to and create a new Rails Project from the Template.
Chose the Templated called "Rails", chose a Title for your project
and then press the blue "+ Create Repl" button.
![Browser window with topic titles that can be voted on](img/replit_rails.png)
Make sure you can see a window label "Shell". In this window
<div class="console"><pre>
$ irb
>> 1 + 2
=> 3
$ exit
Can you see the green "Run" button in the upper middle of the replit screen?
Press it to start your rails application. Open the webview window
in a separate Browser Window or Browser Tab by pressing the arrow.
With this setup you should be ready to edit your code an see the
changes in the webview window.
message <<-MARKDOWN
### Format
Each lesson will look like this:
<div style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding-left: 4em;">
<h1 class="doc_title" style="margin-top: 0em;">Step Title</h1>
<div class="goals">
<p>Description of the current step.
<p>Red because big goals are important.
<div class="steps">
<pre class="term">steps to take.</pre>
<div class="console">
def code_to_write
1 + 1
<p>Yellow because we've gotten it done, but we're not sure yet what's going on.
<div class="explanation">
<p>Details of what the steps actually did, explaining the cause and effect.
<p>Green because we can tie everything together now.
next_step "ruby_language"