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message <<MARKDOWN
This site is maintained by Brigitte Jellinek. It is a fork of the
official site <a href="https://docs.railsbridge.org/docs/">docs.railsbridge.org</a>.

In this fork I am upgrading all the sites to Rails 7 and moving
from local development and heroku.com to replit.com.
If you find something that could be improved,
please make a [pull request](https://github.com/bjelline/railsbridge_docs/).

I hope this will be merge into the official repository and this site can go away.

Going through this curriculum on your own? You can get help on <a href="http://discourse.bridgefoundry.org/c/railsbridge-help" target="_blank">our Discourse forum</a>. (Volunteers to answer questions always needed, too!)

h1 'Setup'

site_desc 'installfest', <<-MARKDOWN
Instructions for installing Ruby and **Rails 5** on your computer - work in progress! You need to complete these steps before starting a Rails workshop!

h1 'Rails'

site_desc 'intro-to-rails', <<-MARKDOWN
The "classic" RailsBridge curriculum (Suggestotron) upgraded to **Rails 7**. Takes you step-by-step through making a Rails app, one command at a time, using helpers like `rails generate scaffold`, and deploying that app to the Internet.

site_desc 'job-board', <<-MARKDOWN
Build a simple job board from scratch with  upgraded to **Rails 7** and a little less of the magic of Rails scaffolding. This curriculum is great for a second or third RailsBridge attendee or for students who want to focus on how the app is wired together. (This curriculum doesn't include deploying to the Internet.)

h1 'More to come'

message "I will add back the links to other parts as I go through the upgrade"